Our Secured Private Lending Quarterly (SPLQ) investment product is ideal for wholesale investors seeking an alternative to traditional property investment while benefitting from a regular income.
SPLQ is a limited partnership investment opportunity through our private lending model. It invests in a range of premium Australian boutique residential developments, secured by a 2nd mortgage over the project land.
SPLQ offers regular fixed returns of 10% per annum paid quarterly, with an initial 3 year lock in investment period.
*Investment minimum is net of establishment & upfront fees.
Further information and a copy of the Information Memorandum is available upon registering your interest.
Disclaimer: All investment products are only for Wholesale clients unless otherwise noted. A Wholesale client must meet one of the five tests under sections 708, 761G and 761GA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) of Australia as applicable. Nothing on this website should be construed as financial product advice or tax advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. You are recommended to obtain professional advice prior to making any investment decision to invest in any of these products. To the extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted by the Issuer, Licensees, Directors, or representatives for any loss or damage as a result of reliance on this information. Product information is subject to change. Investment products are licensed by SMATS Consortium Pty Ltd, ABN 30 603 784 452, AFSL 480476. This website and the product information contained herein is the sole property of SMATS Consortium, and no part can be distributed or reproduced without SMATS Consortium’s written permission. For further information and before investing please read the information memorandum available on request by emailing invest@smatsconsortium.com. Click here for our Privacy Policy & Collection Statement. © Copyright 2024.